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The Transformed Life

Dan Augsburger With Tim Rumsey

Pathway To Paradise Ministries, Mack Creek, MO



This six part discussion was taped with Tim Rumsey at the conclusion of a revival held at Mack’s Creek, MO where Pathway To Paradise Ministries is located.

Feedback posted on YouTube:

"You know God is so awesome I have been praying for weeks as it be for an explanation on true conversion and for God to lead me to the truth so I can share with my wife and family. I have been searching for sermons on true conversion among SDA pastors but it’s a rarely discussed topic and it is so hard to find. My spirit troubled me when a few months back I had a daunting feeling that most Christians will not make it due to not being truly converted. It is so funny I was prompted to click on the subscribe button yesterday and lo and behold here’s a well detailed discussion. Thank you for this discussion as it also helps me in having decreased anxiety to achieve the character of Christ fully which can be bothersome to mind as you realize how much more it is needed in your life to reach the mark. By Gods grace I will make it. Pray for me and my family please. To God be the Glory."

"Praise God Brothers for this study, it is making such a transformation in my life, God bless you."

"Thank you so much. I have been watching this series, one a day beginning this new year and what a blessing to receive the Word of God. God bless this ministry! From Australia."

Transformed Life Series


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The Transformed Life Part 1

The Transformed Life Part 2

The Transformed Life Part 3

The Transformed Life Part 4

Here is the link to download materials by Meade McGuire. 

The Transformed Life Part 5

The Transformed Life Part 6


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