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Title Abbreviations Of Ellen White Books


The following list will help you identify books quoted of Ellen White on this site.


1888: Ellen G. White 1888 Materials

AA: Acts of the Apostles, The

AH: Adventist Home, The

AUCR: [Australasian] Union Conference Record

AUGleaner: Atlantic Union Gleaner

1BC: Bible Commentary Vol. 1 (Multiple volumes; 1BC for Vol. 1)

4bSG: Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 4b (Multiple Volumes)

BEcho: Bible Echo

BTS: Bible Training School

CCh: Counsels for the Church

CD: Counsels on Diet and Foods

CG: Child Guidance

CH: Counsels on Health

ChS: Christian Service

COL: Christ Object Lessons

CT: Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students

CTr: Christ Triumphant

CTBH: Christian Temperance (EGW) and Bible Hygiene (James White)

DA: Desire of Ages

DG: Daughters of God

Ed: Education

EV: Evangelism

EW: Early Writings

FLB: Faith I Live By, The

GCB: General Conference Bulletin

GW: Gospel Workers

HP: In Heavenly Places

KC: Kress Collection, The

LHU: Lift Him Up

LLM: Loma Linda Messages

MB: Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing

MH: Ministry of Healing, The

ML: My Life Today

MR: Manuscript Releases (Multiple volumes; 2MR for Vol. 2, etc.)

1NL: Notebook Leaflets, Vol. 1 (2NL for Vol. 2)

OFC: Our Father Cares

OHC: Our High Calling 

PaM: Pastoral Ministry

PC: Paulson Collection

PH: Pamphlet

PK: Prophets and Kings

PM: Publishing Ministry, The

PP: Patriarchs and Prophets

Pr: Prayer

PUR: Pacific Union Recorder

RH: Review and Herald 

1SAT: Sermons and Talks Vol. 1 (2SAT for Vol. 2)

SC: Steps to Christ

SD: Sons and Daughters of God

1SM: Selected Messages Vol. 1 (2SM for Book 2, etc.)

SpM: Spalding and Magan Collection

1SP: Spirit of Prophecy, The Vol. 1 (2SP for Vol. 2, etc.)

SPTA01b: Special Testimonies, Series A (Nos. 1-12)

SpTB05: Special Testimonies, Series B (Nos. 1-19) 

SSW: Sabbath-School Worker

ST: Signs of the Times

SW: The Southern Watchman

1T: Testimonies for the Church Vol. 1 (2T for Vol. 2, etc.)

Te: Temperance

TM: Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers

TMK: That I May Know Him

TSB: Testimonies on Sexual Behaviour, Adultery, and Divorce

TSDF: Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods

1TT: Testimony Treasures, Vol. 1 (2TT for Vol. 2, etc.)

UL: Upward Look, The

WB: Workers’ Bulletin, The 

YI: Youth's Instructor, The