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Downloadable Study Guides  On The Christian Family


On this page you will find helpful study guides on various aspects of Christian family life. You will find links for pdfs in 8x11, A5, A4 and booklet format. 

The God-Arranged Marriage

This booklet looks at how to obtain a God-arranged marriage. It includes information from the Bible, Ellen White, Elder Frazee and myself. Many have found the thoughts helpful.

The God-Arranged Marriage 8x11

The God-Arranged Marriage A5

The God-Arranged Marriage A4

The God-Arranged Marriage Booklet


The God-Arranged Marriage: Dan And Rose's Testimony

Click on this link to read about Rose's and my testimony on how God brought about a "God-Arranged" marriage in our life.


Courtship & Marriage

Ellen White

This article from 1886 clarifies godly courtships and marriages.

White Courtship & Marriage 8x11 PDF

White Courtship & Marriage A5 PDF

White Courtship & Marriage A4 PDF


Unwise Marriages

Ellen White

This article comes from the Review and Herald of 1886.

Unwise Marriages 8x11 PDF

Unwise Marriages A5 PDF

Unwise Marriages A4 PDF


Ellen White's Approach To Discipline

This booklet provides quotations of Ellen White where she is speaking of her own personal experience of raising children. She claimed to have perfect success with children.

Ellen White's Approach To Discipline 8x11

Ellen White's Approach To Discipline A5

Ellen White's Approach To Discipline A4

Ellen White's Approach To Discipline Booklet


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