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Divine Guidance On Marriage And Future Work

Delay A Marriage For A Time!

When  young adults have completed training/education, it is easy to quickly marry as part of their journey going forward into the next phase of their life? Is this wise? The short answer is no!In the paragraphs that follow, you will discover that it is sometimes unwiser to become connected with a spouse after time and money has been invested in a training program. Two categories of people are specifically mentioned—nurses (healthcare workers) and ministry. 

"When a conference selects young men and women and aids them in obtaining an education for the canvassing field or any other branch of the work, there should be an understanding as to what they propose to do—whether they design to engage in courtship and marriage or to labor for the advancement of the cause of truth. It is of no use to spend time and money in educating workers who will fall in love before they complete their education, and who cannot resist the first temptation in the form of an invitation to marriage. In most cases the labor spent on such persons is wholly lost."

Quotes on Marriage And Future Work

Mrs. Ellen. G. White

Divine Guidance For Spiritual Workers

When a conference selects young men and women and aids them in obtaining an education for the canvassing field or any other branch of the work, there should be an understanding as to what they propose to do—whether they design to engage in courtship and marriage or to labor for the advancement of the cause of truth. It is of no use to spend time and money in educating workers who will fall in love before they complete their education, and who cannot resist the first temptation in the form of an invitation to marriage. In most cases the labor spent on such persons is wholly lost. When they enter the marriage relation, their usefulness in the work of God is at an end. They increase their family, they are dwarfed and crippled in every way, and cannot use the knowledge they have obtained. {Ms 19a, 1890, par. 12}
Before persons are admitted to our mission training schools, let there be a written agreement that after receiving their education they will give themselves to the work for a specified time. This is the only way that our missions can be made what they should be. Let those who connect themselves with the missions be straightforward and connect themselves with the work in a businesslike way. Those who are controlled by a sense of duty, who daily seek wisdom and help from God, will act intelligently, not from selfish motives, but from love of Christ and the truth. Such will not hesitate to give themselves unreservedly, soul, body and spirit to the work. They will study, work and pray for its advancement. {Ms 19a, 1890, par. 13}
I repeat, do not enter into a marriage engagement unless there are good and sufficient reasons for this step, unless the cause of God can be better advanced thereby. For Christ’s sake deny inclination, lift the cross, and do the work for which you are educating yourself. Many of the marriages contracted in these last days prove to be a mistake. The parties make no advancement in spiritual things; their growth and usefulness end with their marriage. {Ms 19a, 1890, par. 14}
There are men and women through the country who would have been accepted as laborers together with God if Satan had not laid his snares to entangle their minds and hearts in courtship and marriage. Did the Lord urge them to obtain the advantages of our schools and mission that they might sink everything in courtship and marriage, binding themselves by a human band for a lifetime? By accepting the work of rearing children in these last days of uncertainty and peril, many place themselves in a position where they cannot labor either in the canvassing field or in any other branch of the cause of God, and some lose all interest to do this. They are content with a common, low level and assimilate to the positions they have chosen. {Ms 19a, 1890, par. 15}
The bewitching power of Satan’s deceptions wrought within the human heart its evil work. Instead of candidly considering the time in which we live and the work they might do in leading others to the truth, they reason from a selfish standpoint and follow the impulse of their own unconsecrated hearts. “The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh.” [Galatians 5:17.] The natural appetites and passions become a controlling power, and the result is that spiritual growth ceases; the soul is, as it were, paralyzed. {Ms 19a, 1890, par. 16}—Mrs. E. G. White

Divine Guidance For Healthcare Workers

In the training of nurses there must be an organized plan. They are learning a most valuable trade; and many temptations will come to them through offers of large wages and of places where they will have a better chance to earn money, if they will go with some patient. This point must be guarded, or there will surely be trouble. {Ms162-1897.}
After doing their best to fit these young people for work, how can the managers be sure that they can be depended upon to go here and there as helpers? The only way is to have the students agree to serve a certain period of time, that they may obtain the knowledge essential to make them trustworthy nurses. It requires years of practice to make a full practitioner. As workers together with God, the student nurses should enter into contracts to accomplish that which should be done, fitting themselves to engage in the work as part of the firm, to be sent where help is most needed, unless for some reason, on account of health or family demands, such a move is made inconsistent. This must be treated as a business transaction, as well as a sacred obligation, to be true to the principles of righteousness. {Ms162-1897.}—Mrs. E. G. White


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